Who's Against BSL?
Several animal welfare organizations have issued formal position statements AGAINST breed specific legislation. These organizations realize that BSL does not target the true problem of irresponsible dog ownership and, therefore, it is an ineffective method of discriminatory animal control. Below are just a few of these organizations:
National Animal Control Association
Humane Associations of Georgia, Wisconsin, Ottowa, Idaho
Association of Pet Dog Trainers
American Kennel Club
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA)
American Veterinary Medical Association
National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors
Canadian Kennel Club
National Animal Interest Alliance
American Animal Hospital Association
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants
California Veterinary Medical Association
Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
Texas Veterinary Medical Association
Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association
Chicago Veterinary Medical Association
American Humane
Maryland Veterinary Medical Association
New York State Veterinary Medical Association
American Temperament Test Society
American Dog Owner’s Association
American Canine Federation
International Association of Canine Professionals
American Dog Breeders Association Inc.
SPCA Los Angeles
If you know of an organization that should be added to this list, please contact me at fightBSL-owner@yahoogroups.com