dogbitemyths - THE history of the APBT

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 The second parallel way in which the American Pit Bull Terrier began to originate itself, happened in Great Britain.

For the great admiration that the British dogmen felt by the spanish Alaunt more than 400 years ago, by the vitality, fierceness, chaste and strength which they demonstrated in the different fights and huntings where they were used, concerned to its country a great amount of them, who, went away settling down in different points from the United Kingdom accomplish a stallion mission (stud), for this way, to introduce new genes in their native dogs of prey without defined breed (predominated white color in them) and open blood, to try to improve in which to quality of his dogs.
 American Pit Bull Terrier when were denominated like Old English Bulldog.
The project was obtained successful, thanks to the fort positive and effective impulse of equally denominated hybrid vigor or heterosis that provided the spanish Alaunt to the British dogs. The merit and the credits of the spanish Alaunt to improve the quality of the British native dogs of prey, were silenced and buried by most of the British dogmen by obvious reasons to keep the competitor secret, but more especially even by political discords reasons between the United Kingdom and Spain. Therefore, at present ignorance in this subject, a pity.

 Other American Pit Bull Terrier of the time. Picture by Howitt in 1798.
Of those combinations in the United Kingdom, also the origin of the American Pit Bull Terrier was outlined. This new breed dog, the American Pit Bull Terrier, by that one time was denominated like the “Old English Bulldog”, to which it is not necessary to confuse with the present English Bulldog.
The official name of American Pit Bull Terrier occurred for him in 1898, by American Mr. C.Z. Bennet, when on that same year he founded the Official Organism United Kennel Club (UKC), recognizing the American Pit Bull Terrier like pure breed dog and registering them in his lists and granting pedigree to them with his genealogical trees, like a any other breed dog, realising this way a memorable work and great zootechnical rigor of that time in favour of the American Pit Bull Terrier.
 In this engraving of Abraham Cooper of 1817, they appear “Crib” and “Rose”, a pair of American Pit Bull Terrier own of that time.
Previously to year 1898, to the American Pit Bull Terrier was denominated to him with different names, depending the country. In Great Britain as we have commented previously, was denominated to him like the Old English Bulldog and latter like Bull and Terrier, Pit Dog and finally Pit Bull Terrier. In America of different ways, Half and Half, Yankee Terrier, Pit Terrier, American Bull Terrier or simply Bulldog.
The creation of the American Pit Bull Terrier, as much in America as in Great Britain, had to the search by the dogmen of long ago in find a complete work dog, that adapted perfectly at the time of developing any type of work, by very hard which they were the circumstances to elaborate it and that the conventional dogs could not exert.
 The Butcher and his APBT. He APBT have always been associated so much with butchers. This dates back to when they were used to control animals in market stalls. A strong, determined dog was needed to grip and hold unruly animals about to be butchered.


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      The APBT were bred and prized for their grip and courage (Gameness).        Porcelain more than 100 years ago. Three APBT hunting Wild boar.
  [Landseer - Fighting Dogs] 
Fighting APBT.                         Fighting Dogs Catching their Breath painting by Sir Edwin Henry Landseer in 1839.
As I said previously, the APBT origin was like work dog and not for to fight with those of its same specie, although it is true that the dog fights, it went an activity to consider within the history of the breed. Nowadays, this activity logically is illegal.
With the ban in Great Britain in 1835 to celebrations of fighting APBT against bulls and bears, began to get more fans in the accomplishment of fighting dogs. Several APBT breeders (we remember that in that time in Great Britain, to the APBT has denominated itself like the Old English Bulldog), began to select their dogs for to obtain a APBT more reduced size. The fighting dogs not were ban in Great Britain until 1911.

In order to secure to the downsizing, the selection it did not consist to crossing his dogs with others smaller and different breed dogs, no, since to do it thus, would suppose lost safe of the qualities and the virtues that already the APBT owned from their beginning of breed dog, more than 200 years back of hard selection. The downsizing consisted, in crossing to the best smaller dogs (all of them pure APBT) so that this way, were geting more agility and quicker that required the fighting dogs, so dogs with greater functionality and resistance but without losing “Gameness” that already brought since their origin, quality that differentiated to them from the rest of breed dogs and that with much time and effort had cost to the breeders, to obtain it and to fix it to the genes of his dogs. In addition this downsizing, supposed to the breeders and fans a greater comfort of mobility and maintenance of his dogs
For the APBT breeders in the selection of his respective breedings, the “Gameness” was the fundamental thing to conserve in his dogs of them and they were not arranged to lose it in exchange for a reduction of the size. Nevertheless these breeders, secured their intention to reduce the size of their dogs without resorting to other breed dogs, fixing the phenotype of the APBT practically which we know at present and without lost the “Gameness”, characteristic that continues being unique and exclusive of this breed dog.


 Not in vain, the three better breeders (known) for all times of this wonderful and noble breed dog, lived in each on those States; Maurice Carver in San Antonio, Texas, Earl Tudor in Oklahoma and the Reverend Howard Heinzl in Phoenix, Arizona.


By North America territories, the spanish colonists also had to fight against the British colonists, which and peculiarly, in view of the wonderful results that contributed the dogs to the spanish colonists, copied taking with himself native dogs of them of prey of their country (mainly of white color), so that they also helped them in his fights against the Indians, Spaniards and French.
War dogs in the American Civil War. Year 1875.
Passed the years and for diverse reasons, the spanish Alaunt with the british dogs were mixed and these as well, also were to stud with the mixed crossings of Alaunt with the dogs that already lived in America before arriving the spaniards. As a result of this combination, a new variety of dogs was generated extraordinary and incredible, impelled positively and effectively by the denominated the hybrid vigor or heterosis that provided the spanish Alaunt.


Of that one diversity of cross was outlined a new breed dog, which, we called in nowadays American Pit Bull Terrier, although at those moments logically, even needed them to evolve in its fusion with the second parallel way that also made originated the breed happened in Great Britain, for to define its phenotype and genotype that them own in the nowadays. This new breed dog, with time got to surpass in qualities and virtues to the powerful spanish Alaunt.



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