That police killing pets is a red flag not only for our pets, but for people, too. As the police get more accustomed to killing living things, and getting away with it, killing a human will become easier.
Nazi Germany experienced a similar unraveling. Eventually it became illegal for jews to own pets. So what did the Nazi party do? They went from jewish home to jewish home, confiscated the pets, and then killed them. Shortly thereafter, the jews themselves were being placed on trains to the concentration camps.
The police often times say that the pets posed a threat to their safety, but this is cop-speak, nothing more than a ritual. They have to say that if they want to cleanly get away with murder. And so, of course, they say it, no matter if the victim is a pet or a human.
In some good news for innocent dogs, one California deputy got a little bit too excited and ended up shooting himself when he went to murder a pitbull named Precious. He said the pitbull was threatening his life, but a local television station later aired footage of an animal, much smaller than police had reported, playing with children. Animal Services did not take the dog into custody because there was no evidence it or the owner had done anything wrong. Of course many people are speaking up, and there are multiple Facebook pages dedicated to either individual pets killed by a police officer or to the epidemic in general of cops killing pets, such as this one for Cisco, an Australian Cattle Dog, which has over 100,000 likes.